Viktor Yeimo, KNPB International Spokesperson; Papuans Do Not Submit to the Upcoming Special Autonomy Discussion on January 10, 2021 Sunday, December 13, 2020
Viktor Yeimo, the International Spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), urged the Papuan People to Don't Bow! At the Special Autonomy Discussion on January 10, 2021 which will be held by the DPR-RI.
January 10, 2021, the DPR RI will discuss the revision of the Special Autonomy proposed by President Jokowi on December 4, 2020 yesterday. As usual, Jakarta took over at will. With a racist character, the arrogance of colonial power was applied.
All components of the Papuan people have rejected Otsus and demanded a solution for independence. The Papuan people demand this struggle with peaceful resistance throughout the territory of West Papua.
Apart from having a different political history and flawed international law, Papuans are aware of the fact that there is no guarantee of their future under Indonesian colonial rule.
The flood of Papuan deaths who have never been tried, is proof. Never mind that, the institutions, namely the MRP, DPRP / PB, the two Provincial Governments are not considered important. Instead, they were threatened, terrorized, arrested and forced to just follow Jakarta's wishes.
I think the memory and imagination of Papuans today are at their lowest point in determining what is best for their future. Papuans contemplate "what does wealth and physical fortune mean when the humans are a little more depleted?"
Thus, Otsus in its context and meaning does not provide a solution for Papuans. Anyone who compromises to continue this colonial political package is, of course, evil. He will bear all victims of colonial crimes in West Papua.
Papuan people, continue to take a bold stance for a good future. Don't give control of our life to Jakarta to be constantly oppressed. Believe and be proud as a nation, the owner of the land of heaven, which deserves independence. Take full control of your life again.
Absolute unity of the people. Rebuild a culture of discussion together, move together. Avoid provocation, fighting sheep, sedition, momentary bribes, which want to destroy the dignity of fellow Papuans. Love the homeland of the ancestors, where you live and die! Set free if you really love!
United Prepare Yourself, seize the revolution!
Author: Viktor Yeimo, International Spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee (KNPB)
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